Please read to ensure all protocols are followed for morning drop off and afternoon dismissal for students at OSHS:
1. Car riders need to pull all the way up to the end of the school and enter at the entrance indicated on the map. Also, car riders will need to wait and be picked up at the same area.
2. Bus riders will be dropped off at the location marked on the map which is the front entrance of the school.
3. Please help us ensure the safety of our students and staff by following the designated signs for drop off and dismissal.
4. All students will report to the gym or the cafeteria upon their arrival until dismissed to 1st block.
5. All doors will be locked during hours of operation from 8:20-3:20. All students checking in after 8:20 must enter through the main office even if they are a student driver. Follow the path marked on the map to check in.