picture of chalkboard with "Thank you, Teacher" on it

Teacher Appreciation Week

By: Brooklyn Ambrose and Tristan Morgan

Coach Rather has always said, “I’m changing lives an hour and twenty minutes at a time,” which is the average class time at school. Teachers are very influential on kids, considering we spend a large portion of our early years in school. In 1985, teachers were finally recognized with having Teacher Appreciation Week established. This year, teacher appreciation is May 6-10. This is a week where students have the opportunity to demonstrate their appreciation for all the work teachers have done to benefit their education. 

When asked what teacher appreciation means to them as teachers, Stratton and Kitts were at a loss for words about what the week means to them. How teachers would like students to show their appreciation can vary. For example, Mr. Stratton said that the best way to show appreciation was to “sit down and do your work.” 

When we asked certain students who their favorite teacher was and why, they had thoughtful and genuine responses. Jacob responded that Mr. Marney was his favorite and Leland says Mrs. Kitts because she is “very generous and helpful no matter the circumstances.” A couple of students, Evan and Caden, said Coach Tinker because he always pushes them to succeed and be their best. Students Jada, Tyler, and Athena all said Mrs. Given. “She is thoughtful and chill. She is super nice and makes me smile every time I walk into her room, and she has food in her class” were their respective responses. Samantha said Rather because he is very chill and cares about his students, Mason said Stratton because he always brightens his day with his funny comments, and Izzy said Mrs. Vowell: “and I don’t know why, but she’s really cool.” 

These varying responses show how each teacher is appreciated and how some students can say the same teacher for different reasons because they have their own take-aways that brighten their day. Overall, it is extremely important to show respect to all our teachers because they are the gateway to our education and would do almost anything to help us.